Thursday, February 27, 2014

Lots of Bandaids

I am not sure what is worse realizing that I have ten huge band aids on the left side on my body or the fact that my hand keeps cramping up where some of the testing was done earlier today at the doctors.

Anyhow I just keep pushing forward. February is one day from over and my life is so much different than it was a year ago. A term that kept popping through my head today was sabbatical, because in a sense I that is kind of what I am doing. Every year of my life for as long as I could remember January through March was a marathon of wrestling season, there really wasn't a day off during that time and I travelled all over the place. Now I catch what I can on TV and I did make it to a few matches but life is drastically different. My reality is very different.

My goal is to get better and I must say that is a tall order and a TON of work. February was a short month served up in a big old blur. I think I spent most of it curled up in bed, in pain with no energy. I do everything I humanly can, but sometimes that just isn't enough and I have to give up or give-in to the demands my body is making and I just have to stop.

I know my recovery takes probably 3 times as long as the normal person, for basically anything I do. This includes getting your everyday cold, which affects me worse than normal too.

So as I still work on recovering from my car accident in early December, it was great to see my doctors today and get worked on a little bit. Now if I could just get my body to stay that way...

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