Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I haven't written in a while

I tell you what sometimes life just gets the best of you. I have been so busy lately, with work and going to the doctors that I don't feel like I am ever home. My bedroom shows this as it is a disaster!

Anyhow I am still in the rat race of trying to get better although it just seems to keep circling around. I started working out this week, I did 30 minutes on the treadmill... so that is something. I don't know what the future seems to hold for my body, although I am hoping for better results in 2013 than I have had the past two years.

I am still on all of the medication, part of me wonders if stopping it to see what it would do would be a bad idea or a good one. I would level on the side of bad from the one time I forgot to take it.

All I want is to feel normal again and feel like I can actually do things like a normal person. This is something that I really have yet to feel I have experienced. My weight is higher than it has been in a long time, not being able to have physical activity really messed with that especially over the holidays.

Part of me is thinking going back to PT a few times a month may not be a bad idea, I just don't know where I have the time to do it right now.

I feel like my outlook on what my future may look like has changed drastically over the past year in many ways I do not know if I will ever see it differently at all.

Right now my biggest hope is that I get a good chunk of money back from my taxes so that I can put it towards my medical bills. I just can't get ahead, my guess is over the summer I am going to have to take a second job to be able to pay my bills. Hopefully by then my body can handle it.

I got an EMG the other day, that hurt like crazy. I go in to see my doctor again Wednesday and we will find out what the next step is.

Life is just exhausting!

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