Thursday, December 12, 2013

Oh December

Well I realized I didn't blog in November, potentially because I was so busy trying to get everything done and figured out in between the time when: I wasn't at the doctors, driving to the doctors or sleeping because I can't get out of bed.

I did manage to have myself a little bit of fun and make it to a few wrestling matches, a concert and a college football game though. Which of course means that I had to allow myself a few days of recovery after those days of fun.  I spent a few days at the NAVAL Academy and was able to see the March-On at the NAVY game, I must say I love the tradition and I fully support our men and women in uniform at any stage. I had a great time and I even got my picture taken with the mascot!

That however brings us to now. I met with my surgeon for the first time in months and he wants to restart our way of doing treatment for my pain. Which means I will be in for another very long series of nerve blocks come the beginning of the year. I am not looking forward to it, but hopefully it will tell us what nerves are torturing me and why.

I was able to come home for a long weekend to visit family and friends which I thoroughly enjoyed and on my way home as the bad weather started on an exit ramp I rear ended someone. I did some major damage to my car and even more damage to my body. I have been at my brothers house sitting here resting for a week. No pain meds, no muscle relaxers, just sleeping and trying to let my body rest. I am afraid of what might happen in the long run, but I have to just keep going.

I talked to the shop and the tech told me he was shocked my airbags didn't go off. So knowing that my body handles crazy amounts of pain on a daily basis and also takes much longer than a normal person to recover from doing something, this is going to take me a while to get back to where I should be. Of course I am contacting my doctors and will be following up with my physical therapist next week while I am in town. Luckily while I am back for Christmas if I need I can go down to Pittsburgh as well for treatments.

All I know is I am ready for better things to happen, this year has been so hard, so much has happened to me in every aspect of my life that I feel like I have just hit rock bottom in every way. I just know that somehow God will bring me up at the right time and place and I hold on to that. So in the mean time I will hold onto that promise.