Friday, January 17, 2014

2014 Really Trying for a NEW YEAR

So for those of you who read my blog you know that last year was less than STELLAR for this lady. I feel that if it could have gone wrong, it did go wrong in 2013, I really don't feel like re-visiting those bad memories, but I guess for the sake of it I need to put them down. So the big highlights of the year were:
  • In constant pain every day, to the point that I could not be touched.
  • Went to the doctors minimum 3 times a week.
  • April through July were the worst. Had 3 surgeries, contracted a horrible infection, had a PICC line, was on so many meds I could not keep track, had drains coming out of me, I am sure there was more I want to forget it.
  • Was tested for every disease under the sun contracted a bunch of super weird symptoms over the rest of the summer. Went to all kinds of doctors.
  • Had no social life, lost most of my friends.
  • Gained a ton of wait since the surgery and infection, due to meds and all of the bed rest.
  • Lost my job in September.
  • Continued to constantly go to the doctor, still on tons of meds.
  • Was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (only true diagnosis I was given other than sleep apnea).
  • December got into a car wreck.
Okay so that sums up the main bad points of my BAD year.

This year I am working to try and change as much I can myself. Trying to treat my body as good as I can, which I still did last year. Taking my vitamins, eating right. Even though I am not suppose to I am going to try and start working back out slowly.

What will happen with work I still don't know my health is my No. 1 priority. I still just don't know where I stand with things. I am doing everything I can to try and get better and working with my team of doctors to get better.

So here is to 2014, may it bring better things: happiness, health, wealth, laughter and friendship. Not just to me, but to those around me as well.

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