Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The two week countdown!

Alright well one thing I know is that I do plan events for a living, I have decided what is even harder, is planning your own surgery out of state and trying to figure out how to make it all work.

My surgery is scheduled for September 18th at 7 am, I am no where near ready for this an my anxiety is building.

  • Today I am going to get clearance from my family doctor.
  • Tomorrow I plan to get all of my required blood work at the hospital.
  • I need to figure out the days off work and the coming back to work plan.
  • I need to work on transportation there and transportation back.
  • Plans while in the DC area are solid so that is the good thing at the moment.
  • I need to pick up prescriptions given to me by the doctor specifically for the surgery.
  • I need to make sure I have all of my normal medications as well.
  • In the mean time I still have my normal doctor appointments on top of all of this.
  • Call the insurance and figure out what is covered/not covered (this one scares me the most).
Anyhow needless to say I am stressed and not sure what direction is up.

Also today is my dad's birthday, so shout-out to my dad who will spend his entire day teaching 5th graders.

Well time to get some work done and try and concentrate for a little bit.

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