Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I have been lazy... or have I?

Things have been kind of crazy lately and a lot of life changes seem to be happening all at once. I found a really great one bedroom studio apartment that I will be moving into in two weeks. That is the first time ever that I will officially live by myself. I have been out on my own since 18, but I have lived with roommates.

So now I have all of these health issues going on, oh don't worry, they have not gone away. They only keep getting worse. Apparently it is the consensus of two rhuemetologist that I have fibromialgia. So another series of test are coming and I am not looking forward to them.

I have been going to physical therapy and doing as much as I can there, trying to get better. I am working, and trying to do everything I can to keep my body healthy and rehab myself.

I wish I didn't hurt so bad and I could move better. The move is a stressful thought, I need so much help to get out of this place, thank goodness for my friends.

Next I need to head in for a sleep study and hopefully start sleeping better.

Well that is all I have for now.

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