Monday, August 19, 2013

I need to post more

It has been over a month since I have last posted and boy so much has happened in that time period.

  • I moved into my own apartment: packing, moving, unpacking was so hard. I am still not unpacked because I just don't have the energy to do it. 
  • I had to start back to work, which takes all of my energy, I am lucky to make it through the day sometimes.
  • I have been going for weekly testing to find out what is wrong with me. Oh wait, I mean try to find out what is wrong with me, because so far we have been unsuccessful at finding this out. By we, I mean me and the team of doctors.
  • My niece Isabella was born, she is pretty darn cute and happened to arrive the only time her aunt was in Western PA all summer. Great timing kid!
  • I went to the only wedding I could all summer, the one that I was in. That was after a month of pretty torturous therapy. 
  • I still don't trust myself to drive long distances alone.
  • The medicines just keep getting piled on, not taken off.
  • I still feel horrible.... daily.
  • The feeling of not being able to feel your feet and feel like they have a million pins and needles going through them is one of the worst feelings int he world.
  • My surgeon has my best interest at heart, but I wish they didn't involve more shocking and more needles oh yeah and MRI's.
  • I would love to wear a pair of jeans again.
  • I just want to be normal... I want to be me.
I have officially passed 2 years of this misery that my body has been subjected too. I have seen countless doctors, I don't want to even know the amount of money I have paid out, or the amount of times I have been pricked by a needle. Honestly now it just feels like every day life and that makes me sick. I want to be a normal 31 year old who can go out and have fun and not have to feel like I feel every day. Knowing that moving 1 box is going to put me into such pain I won't be able to move.

I mean when the doctors told me I may have MS all I wanted to do was cry, every time they touch me I cry. That is no way to go through your life. I want to be happy again.

So tonight I go in for a sleep study and tomorrow I head in for a brain and spine MRI. None of which I am looking forward to, but I need both of them. I am not sure how they think you are suppose to sleep well with a bunch of little electrodes hooked up to you and people staring at you, but I guess I will give it a try. 

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