Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Appointments... Appointments

Well I must say I really did enjoy the last week of May with no doctors appointments. So I am now back to my weekly routine of PT twice a week and the specialist once a week. It is emotionally draining. Monday PT, Tuesday refill pill box for the week, Wednesday treatments at the specialist, Thursday PT. In all honesty that is my week.

I know my appointments are necessary and that they are needed, but they do just give me a very overwhelmed feeling when trying to "have a life."

Now last week was my first series of nerve block injections. I will not lie they hurt like hell and made me tear up but I got through them. They did provide some relief which was a first in quite some time, so I go in again tomorrow for more. I need to tell the doctor very pecifically how I feel and where my pain is.

Well, here is to hoping for a much needed good nights sleep.

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