Monday, June 11, 2012


One thing I have not done much of since I have been having problems and especially since my surgery in March is traveling. On Thursday I had the great opportunity to head up to New York City for the Beat the Streets Event and Gala. It was last minute and I was rushed, but it is always something I have wanted to attend. Seeing wrestling on such a big level (in the middle of Times Sqaure is awesome). It was great to see friends and be in the city, it amazes me sometimes how much I really do enjoy being in a big city and the fast paced life it brings. I was able to meet some great new people which is always a bonus.

Well I got home very late 3:30 am and then came into work late on Friday. I felt my body was not having any of this on Friday. Lack of sleep and that stress on my body definitely put me into the "danger zone" of pain. I did make it to a friends cookout to celebrate his birthday Friday night but had to excuse myself early because of how I felt. It is amazing how the pain can just go from my "normal" to I can't handle it at all, in just a short amount of time.

It quite honestly drives me mad.

It made for quite the long weekend in terms of trying to balance my life and getting together with others while I just didn't feel up to it. I tried to sleep as much as possible, take my medications and rest. There is only so much one can do though.  I also left around 7 pm from hanging out with friends yesterday because my pain was getting so bad. I managed to go home and relax on the couch to try and get myself tamed down before heading to bed. The good news, I did get some of my crocheting project done.

Today I head to the physical therapist (which my appointment schedule has not been normal the past few weeks). Hopefully this will help me get some relief, until I see the doctor on Wednesday.

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