Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thursdays = My Breaking Point

Ok, so I have finally decided Thursday's are my breaking point. Today my alarm went off, I decided it was Saturday or Sunday I was not sure which and I decided I did not get out of bed.

The bigger problem, it is Thursday and I need to be at work.

Last week all I wanted to do was cry all day, today I feel the exact same way. I am just hoping I make it through the day without having a total meltdown about everything around me.

I am not sure how to fix this... well at least fully. My plate is pretty full at work and I have PT tonight then a late night conference call so all of that is not helping. The good news, tomorrow is Friday and I get to see some friends this weekend.

Who knows maybe I need to go see a counselor... not that I need another appointment in my life. All I can say is my two personal days need to get here ASAP, which is next Thursday and Friday. I can only hope that helps me get through July and August.

So hopefully writing this down now helps... obviously I do have some bigger problems that are playing into all of this. I just want all of this to end and to feel "normal" again, which I honestly don't think will ever happen.

Seriously, summertime is suppose to be my off season. AHHH!!!!

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