Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mid-Week Update to my First Week Back

I must say this week, even though it is Wednesday sure has taken a toll on me.

This is my first week officially back in the office, being here from 8-5 is taking about every ounce of energy that I have in my body.

I was able to get an office downstairs (because going up and down stairs all day is just too much strain on my body), so I am in the building just not near my co-workers. It has its ups and downs, but for me it is making it easier to get around which is great. I am very thankful to the group that we share office space with, for allowing me to take up space downstairs for a while until I get better.

I feel like I have zero energy, I stopped at Starbucks this morning for a latte, which is not my usual thing to do. I get home from work and I want to do nothing at all. Today however I have volunteered to help on one of the political floats in a local parade, I am trying to expand my horizons and get involved in some groups that I believe in, so tonight after work I will use even more energy, but I think it is for a great cause.

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