Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Post-op Appointment

So I went to see my normal doctor today, for my post-op check up and get my normal nerve blocks and instillation.

This was my first big outing since the surgery by myself, which included a two hour drive there and a two hour drive back home in pretty bad rain.

Well I did not end up getting my treatments, but I did talk to the doctor about the pain I am in, not sleeping at night and my recovery time. Next week I start water physical therapy, which I am not looking forward to, but I have to do it.

Going through this does not at any point get easier, it just seems to be getting harder even though I feel like it should be getting easier, since I have been being treated since April.

Now I know that surgery is a trauma to my body, which means the body will go into a state of shock and be miserable for a period of time while it heals itself. I know that is the stage that I am in right now, but I feel like there is no end in sight even though I know at some point there will be.

I am glad I have my friends to talk to, but sometimes going to the doctors alone while dealing with this can be really hard. The only time throughout this that I have taken someone with me was when my friend Brooke came with me to surgery two weeks ago.

The fact that it is exactly two weeks to the day that I had surgery, I just need to keep pushing on, no matter how hard it hurts.

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