Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What a week

Well my bi-weekly doctors appointment was today. I got my shots and instillation and took the 2 hour drive there and back. The doctor was also nice enough to help me out with an antibiotic for the super sinus infection that happened to strike at me today.

Some days I really wonder... I mean that is truly the last thing that I need, to get sick. With an event in three weeks and helping out with political campaigns things have been super crazy.

I am going to try and get a good nights sleep and take care of myself.

I am looking forward to tomorrow though. Apparently there is a program that Zoup has called Zoup to the Rescue and two of my friends in Colorado put my name in to possibly get this great gift. So it works out great that I am sick and getting wonderful soup delivered to my workplace tomorrow morning. So a shout out thank you to Jason and Abby Bryant.

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