Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekend Adventures

Well this weekend I had the pleasure to travel back home for a friends wedding which was great. The travel part was not so great though. A six hour car trip is not exactly something my body does so well with anymore.

I got up early on Friday and was out of the house with my car packed by 8 am, I stopped at my best friends after driving for 5 hours for lunch and then continued my journey north to visit my brother and go to dinner. By the time I made it to my final landing spot for the night I literally could not move. The good news is I slept like a baby that night and got to sleep in on Saturday.

Saturday I met another friend for lunch and then went back to get ready for the wedding which was at 4:30pm, followed by the reception, which went well until 11 p.m. Well by the end of the night my body was feeling it pretty good and I needed to go lay down. Which I couldn't sleep at all and I just felt miserable, which made the ride home Sunday not ok.

I left Erie at 10 am, drove to Hermitage visited with my family and then left there at 2 pm and didn't get home until 7:30 pm.

Needless to say when I got home I did absolutely nothing.

So today I still feel like I am trying to recover but I just hope I do ok next week in Florida.

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