Friday, July 27, 2012

Need to let it out

I am not fully sure what the issue is tonight, but I am super emotional. Now I am watching the 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremonies which London so far has done a great job with.

But personally I just want to sit here and cry. I think part of it is my depression, part of it is just being completely overwhelmed and having an exhausting week. Then knowing that next week is going to be exactly the same if not worse.

I know I am slowly getting better but I truly just don't feel that I am better. My goal tomorrow is to get up and at minimum hopefully it will be kind of nice out and I can go for a walk. I need to get a lot of laundry done and get my bags packed for my trip to Florida next week.

I have come up with a treatment plan for myself for next week so here is to hoping I can cope with things ok. I feel nervous that I will be going three weeks without seeing my physical therapist and my doctor for treatments.

I had to call the pharmacy today and make sure there were not any issues to get my prescriptions so I have them all to take with me. Just too many extra things to think of taking other than just packing my clothes. The fact that I have to continue to live like this scares me, I am not use to it.

After going to my friends wedding last weekend that was rough enough in travel, but I enjoyed every moment of being at the wedding and spending time with friends.

Well that is enough of my ranting for now, I need to get through this in my head... somehow.

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