Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tuesday, Tuesday...

Well inevitably it is Tuesday and really right now I feel so overwhelmed I want to cry. Which probably means when I go to the doctor tomorrow I will cry. Not necessarily because I am going to get at least 20 shots with gigantic needles, but because I am stressed and I need an outlet.

So my normal outlets:
  • working out - can't do
  • drinking - not suppose to do (and it makes me feel horrible)
  • hanging out with friends - everyone is working
  • sleep - well we all know how horrible I am at that
The sad thing is that it is only Tuesday, I still have so much more to get done tomorrow, which is crazy. This week is well turning into a mess already. I am trying to keep some control but I feel I don't have it.

My emotions are a mess (especially after a phone call I just had), we don't need to get into my trust issues with men at this point. All I want is to feel normal and not feel sick, tired, alone and in pain all the time.

Hopefully one night this week I can take some time to hang out with friends and go to a movie if nothing else, then on Saturday I have a wedding, which will be fun.

So basically my anxiety is at an all time high and I fear it may only get worse as the week goes on.... awesome.

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