Sunday, July 1, 2012

Girls weekend

This past weekend my best friend came out to spend some much needed time with me, it was long overdue and a lot of fun...but now with fun ones lots of pain. I received my shots on Wednesday which did help a little, the bad news is now I have pain in other areas I can feel as the major pain on my left side is starting to get under control.

The doctor has discussed with me that I am likely a very good candidate for a surgery on some of the nerves in my pelvic area. This is something we will discuss more in the future.

Friday we took the train into Philly and did some site seeing, which isn't something I have had done much of in the past. There was a lot of walking once we got into the city, it was so hot, but we had a blast. We did cut our trip a few hours short because it was hot and we were exhausted.

We stayed up late and went to dinner, which was great. Saturday I woke up in a lot of pain, I think between the heat and my usual lack of sleep and the pain it made my physically ill. I ended up throwing up which I never do. So the girls and I ran some errands then ended up calling it an evening in, which was not what I had wanted but my body said otherwise.

So it is Sunday,I still feel horrible, but I did make it to a baby shower for a few hours and then back to my house for a lot of laying around. I really just want o feel normal. I really have to thank my best friend for coming out to stay with me for a few days and helping me out when I hit my pain wall. Now to try and get some sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Tammy for keeping us informed. I hope that your quality of life has improved and life continues to be as beautiful as autumn. It's a long and rough road ahead but keep your faith as always and hoped that you'll feel better one day. It's a wonderful idea to keep this blog... I might do this one day. Blessings to you.

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