Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Being Spontaneous

So I had a great Friday evening with my roommate where we went to dinner, did some shopping and had a few drinks. We were just sitting around having some girl talk, when I told her one of things that I feel she did not get to know about me is the fact that I really am an outgoing person who enjoys being around people and doing spontaneous things on a regular basis, of course most of this has been caused by the pain I am in.

So for someone who has known me for a year, she said she can tell when I am not doing well and that it doesn't seem to fit the descriptions and the stories I have told her about my travels and other random things. So yes, all I can say about this is that it is a long process.

So I decided to do something spontaneous on Saturday and meet a group of old friends at the beach in New Jersey, it turned into quite the adventure but I am glad that I did it.

Now the real test will begin as I have a 6 hour car ride ahead of me on Friday to head back home for a friends wedding. I am two weeks away from planning our National Convention and well life just does not stop.

So either way I am doing what I can to try and keep myself at a normal level and feeling as good as possible. Putting a plan in place for our convention may be a chore. My physical therapist is great (even though I usually tell her I don't like her very much) she is trying some new things with me to try and help me with what is going on with my body. Seriously if nothing else it is amazing what our bodies can do and the memories that our muscles retain.

So for right now it is time to plan... which also means I had to pick up another weekly day/night pill case for my travels to the convention in two weeks.

Oh yeah... I forgot it is Tuesday, guess who has to go pick up more of her meds... this girl! :(

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