Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Getting ready for an event

So I am officially in event week and well I think it is already taking a toll on my body.  Hurricane Sandy came through yesterday, luckily my house didn't get hit and we just had some rain and high winds. It did give me time to stay home from work as the office was closed and I worked from home all day.

Now the bigger question is really how does my body hold up being only 6 weeks post-op from my surgery? I have been doing my therapy and I went and saw my doctor last week. He has ordered some new test, I have to go in and get a CAT scan and some of my medications were changed. There is a possibility of a hernia on my left side and the doctor wants to rule out any other issues that I may have at this point during my healing process.

So this week is all about doing what I need to do to get through the week and the event on Saturday. I really just want to not get out of bed at all. I am not sure if my depression gets worse or my anxiety at this point, I am sure it is probably a combination of both at this point.

I eat because it makes me feel better.... even though I really need to stop eating.

One of the best things that I have done in the past few weeks was I bought a new bed and it has definitely helped my sleeping. It was time, my old bed had seen better days.

So now trying to figure out how to get through the week... I will do this I just have to be careful.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What a week

Well my bi-weekly doctors appointment was today. I got my shots and instillation and took the 2 hour drive there and back. The doctor was also nice enough to help me out with an antibiotic for the super sinus infection that happened to strike at me today.

Some days I really wonder... I mean that is truly the last thing that I need, to get sick. With an event in three weeks and helping out with political campaigns things have been super crazy.

I am going to try and get a good nights sleep and take care of myself.

I am looking forward to tomorrow though. Apparently there is a program that Zoup has called Zoup to the Rescue and two of my friends in Colorado put my name in to possibly get this great gift. So it works out great that I am sick and getting wonderful soup delivered to my workplace tomorrow morning. So a shout out thank you to Jason and Abby Bryant.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Starting to see some changes

Well luckily my pain from the surgery is finally starting to diminish, the incisions still hurt so I still only wear sweat pants and things that don't push against my incisions.

I really don't have much energy still, sometimes I wonder how I make it through a full day. I am working to try and keep a fairly normal schedule, so doing the mandatory physical therapy is hard. I went to the gym again yesterday for therapy and I just felt even less energy.

Things that haven't changed much in terms of I feel better reclined than sitting straight up and down and I still limp a good bit from time to time because of the pain. I hope that eventually this will go away.

I need to work on keeping my body healthy and eating better. I have been trying, but man stress eating really gets me when I feel like this.

I see the doctor in two weeks so I will be interested to see how he feels that I am progressing.

The one thing that is still left out is my actual amount of being social, by the time I am done doing whatever I am suppose to do that day, I just want to come home and do nothing.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mid-Week Update to my First Week Back

I must say this week, even though it is Wednesday sure has taken a toll on me.

This is my first week officially back in the office, being here from 8-5 is taking about every ounce of energy that I have in my body.

I was able to get an office downstairs (because going up and down stairs all day is just too much strain on my body), so I am in the building just not near my co-workers. It has its ups and downs, but for me it is making it easier to get around which is great. I am very thankful to the group that we share office space with, for allowing me to take up space downstairs for a while until I get better.

I feel like I have zero energy, I stopped at Starbucks this morning for a latte, which is not my usual thing to do. I get home from work and I want to do nothing at all. Today however I have volunteered to help on one of the political floats in a local parade, I am trying to expand my horizons and get involved in some groups that I believe in, so tonight after work I will use even more energy, but I think it is for a great cause.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Well my three weeks off of work has come to an end. Even though I did spend most of it sitting at home working. I am not sure how my body is going to hold up with everything just yet, but tomorrow I go back to work and on Tuesday I start my water PT,

I am both concerned and worried at the same time, I am not sure how I will be able to handle a 9 hour work day when I can hardly do most things for more than a few hours of going out, but I have to try.

The odd thing is the most I have slept since the surgery, and for as long as I can remember before has been the past two nights where I was actually in bed for 12 hours each, plus a nap today. That was a glorious feeling to not feel exhausted, but I still wake up with no energy.

All of this is just another thing to get through. My incisions are healing, they still hurt but they are healing which is good. I feel like this has been quite a trial in this journey, quite possibly the worst one yet.

All I can do is keep on taking it day by day.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Post-op Appointment

So I went to see my normal doctor today, for my post-op check up and get my normal nerve blocks and instillation.

This was my first big outing since the surgery by myself, which included a two hour drive there and a two hour drive back home in pretty bad rain.

Well I did not end up getting my treatments, but I did talk to the doctor about the pain I am in, not sleeping at night and my recovery time. Next week I start water physical therapy, which I am not looking forward to, but I have to do it.

Going through this does not at any point get easier, it just seems to be getting harder even though I feel like it should be getting easier, since I have been being treated since April.

Now I know that surgery is a trauma to my body, which means the body will go into a state of shock and be miserable for a period of time while it heals itself. I know that is the stage that I am in right now, but I feel like there is no end in sight even though I know at some point there will be.

I am glad I have my friends to talk to, but sometimes going to the doctors alone while dealing with this can be really hard. The only time throughout this that I have taken someone with me was when my friend Brooke came with me to surgery two weeks ago.

The fact that it is exactly two weeks to the day that I had surgery, I just need to keep pushing on, no matter how hard it hurts.